
Hope for the Future? Breakthrough Findings in NHS Maternity Care

NHS Maternity Care Study Reveals Key Factors for Better Communication with Families After Incidents.

A new study sheds light on how the NHS can improve communication with families following incidents that cause harm during maternity care. The research, called DISCERN, involved families, healthcare professionals, and academics. Their goal? To find ways to make “open disclosure” – the process of honestly informing families about harm caused by care – a more supportive experience for everyone involved.

Open disclosure is crucial. It allows families to receive honest answers and helps ensure healthcare providers learn from mistakes to prevent future tragedies.

What the Study Found

The DISCERN study focused on how NHS maternity services in England involve families in investigations after incidents. Researchers identified five key factors for successful open disclosure:

  1. Meaningful Acknowledgement: Families need to feel the harm they experienced is truly recognized.
  2. Family Involvement: Families and staff should have opportunities to participate in investigations.
  3. Making Sense of Events: Families need clear explanations about what happened.
  4. Skilled Clinicians: Healthcare professionals disclosing harm should feel confident and supported.
  5. Demonstrating Change: Families need to know there’s a commitment to learning and improvement.

The Importance of Family Involvement

The study emphasizes the importance of including families throughout the process. As one healthcare professional involved in the study stated, “parents are central to the whole picture.” Their perspective is vital for learning and improving care for future families.

Moving Forward

The DISCERN team found that good practices around open disclosure often depended on individual staff members’ skills, not a standardized system. Their recommendations include:

  • Developing service-wide systems that prioritize families in open disclosure.
  • Providing training and support for clinicians involved in disclosing harm.
  • Maintaining communication with families after incidents.

Building Awareness and Support

To improve staff awareness and intervention skills, the DISCERN team created a film. It highlights the importance of open disclosure from both families’ and healthcare professionals’ perspectives. The film is intended for training and education purposes, aiming to minimize emotional harm for all involved.

This study provides valuable insights for improving communication and support for families after incidents in NHS maternity care. By incorporating these findings, the NHS can create a more compassionate and learning-focused environment for everyone involved.

Report identifies actions to improve open disclosure in England’s NHS maternity services when babies die or are harmed (2024, August 15)

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